Sunday, January 8, 2017

I'm Baaaacckkk!

Hola, babies and Happy New Year!! It's been a looooonnnnngggg time since ya girl has posted and I am so glad to be back.

Many changes about since I last posted in 2014, and I wasn't sure if the person I am becoming was still interested in keeping the blog on the same path on which I had been heading. Hells yeah I still love pretty men and I will still have continue "Hot with a Chance of Sexy", because I owe it to y'all as well as myself. I am also still interested in my trivial celebrity gossip, but after 2016 shanked me in my Hollywood/entertainment heart by taking so many of my favorites, it will be hard to Hollywood love again soon. I might have to keep that on the calm down for a while.

What then will I talk about? I haven't quite figured that out, but I figure if I just start writing, then I will know it when I see it.  As the sagacious Wayne Dyer said, "Believe it and you will see it."

I will be posting something, hopefully something that y'all will find interesting and entertaining, once a week.

Keep checking back and make 2017 your beautiful year!

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