Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Sacral Chakra Khan (And it did!)

So recently I wrote about (stupidly) telling my friend that I had a sex dream about him- thinking that it was all about the HA-HA-HAs and a one time thing. Well, it was only one time about him, but this bitch kept having sex dreams. I am not against those dreams by any stretch of the imagination, but since my imagination is the only thing I've had in my chambers with me in a while, the dreams made my waking life very frustrating.

I didn't understand where these napping and nocturnal sexy times were coming from because I wasn't feeling particularly randy, but it seemed like every time I lay me down to sleep, into my dreams sex would seep. It got to the point where I consulted my dream book and some whack sites that said, basically, a cigar is a cigar. I was dreaming about sex because I wanted or needed sex. Thank you for the King James version of dream interpretation, but me thinks it was something not so obvious. Especially since I have kept dream journals off and on for years and part of my delight in that is diving deep into Lake Thisbitchisnuts and figuring out what certain people and things mean to me. Not an easy task, but definitely worth it in my opinion.

I decided to do it again, and the minute I sat down and really thought it out, the answer came to me: my Sacral Chakra was blocked and I needed to clear it. For you non-believers, or non-interesteds, the Sacral Chakra is the second of the seven main Chakras (Sanskrit for "disk" or "wheel") in your subtle body, and each one is associated with a different energy. The Sacral Chakra is often associated with sex and creativity. (Um, hum. Now we're getting somewhere.)

Now, I didn't immediately recognize that my chakra was blocked. I am not that in tune with my body, and I am not trying to front like I am. Hell, I don't even know when to say when- but I thought about the fact that I hadn't created anything in a few weeks, even though I felt a strong need to do something. I had fleeting ideas sucka-punching my gray matter, but nothing I seriously committed to thought or action. And I needed to. Badly.

I finally quit bullshittin' around and created three new cards, worked a bit on a short story idea I've had based on a dream from a few months ago, and worked on a bigger story idea I've had for years. And guess what? I haven't had a sex dream since. I felt so alive and fulfilled, that I wasn't craving anything, so when I went to sleep, so did my special yes-yes area.

When you think about it, sex is to create life and/or love; and artistic creation- be it athleticism, music, words, or visual-is so soul inspiring and passionate that it feels sexual. No wonder our subconscious mind intertwines the two.

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